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Ajax long polling (comet) + php on lighttpd v1.4.22 multiple instances problem

I am new to this site, so I really hope I will provide all the necessary information regarding my question.

I ve been trying to create a "new message arrived notification" using long polling. Currently I am initiating the polling request by window.onLoad event of each page in my site.

On the server side I have an infinite loop:

echo $newMessageCount;

On the client side I have the following (simplified) ajax functions:


 if (xmlhttp.readyState==4){

The problem is that with each page load, the above loop starts again. The result is multiple infinite loops for each user that eventually make my server hang.

*The NewMessageArived() function queries MySQL DB for new unread messages.

*At the beginning of the php script I run start_session() in order to obtain the $current_user value.

I am currently the only user of this site so it is easy for me to debug this behavior by writing time() to a file inside this loop. What I see is that the file is being written more often than once in 10 seconds, but it starts only when I go from page to page.

Please let me know if any additional information might help.

Thank you.


I think I found a solution to my problem. I would appreciate if anyone could tell, if this is the technique that is being used in COMET and how scalable this solution.

I used a user based semaphore like this:

$sem_id = sem_get($current_user);
echo $newMessageCount;

It seems common for long-polling requests to timeout after 30 seconds. So in your while loop you could echo CLOSE after 30 seconds.

while(!$new_message && $timer < 30){
    $new_message = NewMessageArrived($current_user);
    if(!$new_message) {
        $timer += 10;
if($newMessageCount) {
    echo $newMessageCount;
} else {
    echo  CLOSE ;

In the Javascript, you can listen for the CLOSE.

function poll_new_messages(){

function got_new_message_count(){
    if (xmlhttp.readyState==4){
        if(xmlhttp.responseText !=  CLOSE ) {

Now, the PHP will return a response within 30 seconds, no matter what. If you use stays on the page, and you receive a CLOSE, you just don t update the count on the page, and re-ask.

If the user moves to a new page, your PHP instance will stop the loop regardless within 30 seconds, and return a response. Being on a new page though, the XHR that cared about that connection no longer exists, so it won t start up another loop.

You might try checking connection_aborted() periodically. Note that connection_aborted() might not pick up on the fact that the connection has in fact been aborted until you ve written some output and done a flush().

In fact, just producing some output periodically may be sufficient for php to notice the connection close itself, and automatically kill your script.

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