I m learing LINQ-to-SQL right now and i have wrote a simple application that define SQL data:
[Table( Name = "items" )]
public class Item
[ Column( IsPrimaryKey = true, IsDbGenerated = true ) ]
public int Id;
[ Column ]
public string Name;
I have launched 2 copy of application connected to the same .sdf file and tested if all database modifications in one application affects another application. But strange thing arise. If i use InsertOnSubmit() and DeleteOnSubmit() in one application, added/removed items are instantly visible in other application via select LINQ queue. But if i try to modify Name field in one application, it is NOT visible in other applicaton until it reconnects the database :(. The test code i use:
var Items = from c in db.Items
where Id == c.Id
select c;
foreach( var Item in Items )
Item.Name = "new name";
Can anyone suggest what i m doing wrong and why InsertOnSubmit()/DeleteOnSubmit works and SubmitChanges() don t?