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Declaring function objects for comparison?

I have seen other people questions but found none that applied to what I m trying to achieve here.

I m trying to sort Entities via my EntityManager class using std::sort and a std::vector<Entity *>

class Entity
 float x,y;

struct compareByX{
 bool operator()(const GameEntity &a, const GameEntity &b)
  return (a.x < b.x);
/*Class EntityManager that uses  Entitiy*/

typedef std::vector<Entity *> ENTITY_VECTOR; //Entity reference vector
class EntityManager: public Entity
 ENTITY_VECTOR managedEntities;

 void sortEntitiesX();

void EntityManager::sortEntitiesX()
 /*perform sorting of the entitiesList by their X value*/
 compareByX comparer;
 std::sort(entityList.begin(), entityList.end(), comparer);

I m getting a dozen of errors like

: error: no match for call to  (compareByX) (GameEntity* const&, GameEntity* const&) 
: note: candidates are: bool compareByX::operator()(const GameEntity&, const GameEntity&)

I m not sure but ENTITY_VECTOR is std::vector<Entity *> , and I don t know if that could be the problem when using the compareByX function object ?

I m pretty new to C++, so any kind of help is welcome.


And a third one comes in... After you edited you question, still one open topic: your comparator takes a const & to the GameEntity class. It should, in order to work with the values of the vector<GameEntity*>, take const GameEntity* arguments instead.


A functor is a class that defines operator() so an object of that class can be "invoked" with the same syntax as calling a function:

struct functor { 
   bool operator()(Entity const &a, Entity const &b) {
       return a.x < b.x;

If you want that as a member of your Entity class, you d use a nested class:

class Entity { 
    float x;
    friend class byX;
    class byX {
        bool operator()(Entity const &a, Entity const &b) { 
            return a.x < b.x;

Then your sort would look something like this:

std::sort(ManagedEndities.begin(), ManagedEntities.end(), Entity::byX());

Alternatively, if you usually sort Entities by X, you could define operator< for Entity:

class Entity { 
     float x;
     bool operator<(Entity const &other) { 
         return x < other.x;

In this case, your use of sort would be a bit simpler:

std::sort(ManagedEntities.begin(), ManagedEntities.end());

Creating the comparison function as a normal member function of the Entity class, however, will lead to a sort invocation that s pretty ugly -- it ll usually need something like std::mem_fun_ref to do the job; it s sufficiently ugly that I d generally avoid it for real code.

I did see this question, recently, though....

The answer was something in the way of: the function provided to sort should not be a member-function of something. Meaning: it should be a static function, or a free function. In case you declare it a static function, you should still precede it by Entity::compareByX in order to name it correctly.

If you define the order in the class itself, you can, as aJ already said, use a function adapter mem_fun or mem_fun_ref to pour it into a free functor object.

If you want an Entity object to do the comparison, you should provide sort with an object (called a functor or comparator in this case):

struct EntityComp {
  bool operator()( const GameEntity& a, const GameEntity& b ) const { 
    return a.x < b.x;

std::sort( v.begin(), v.end(), EntityComp() );

I believe compareByX should be a static member or lake a look here

In the light of what you re trying to achieve , I may do another guess... You want to be able to specify whether to compare your objects by their GameEntity::x member, or by their GameEntity::y member.

The easiest way would be to, as you did, specify a functor for each member:

struct CompareX {
   bool operator()( const GameEntity& a, const GameEntity& b ) const {
      return a.x < b.x;

struct CompareY {
   bool operator()( const GameEntity& a, const GameEntity& b ) const {
      return a.y < b.y;

CompareX compx; // create a compare object
std::sort( v.begin(), v.end(), compx );

The flexible yet more cumbersome way would be to create a template functor:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// a mockup of your class
struct GameEntity { float x, y, z; };

// just to be able to print it...
ostream& operator<<( ostream& o, const GameEntity& g ) {
  return o << "(" << g.x << ", " << g.y << ", " << g.z << ")";

// cumbersome starts here...
typedef float (GameEntity::*membervar);

// a  generic  float-member comparator
template< membervar m > struct CompareBy {
   bool operator()( const GameEntity& a, const GameEntity& b ) const {
      return a.*m < b.*m ;

// example code
int main() {
   using namespace std;
   GameEntity v[] = { {1,0,0}, {2,0,1}, {3,-1,2} };
   GameEntity* vend = v + sizeof(v)/sizeof(v[0]);

   sort( v, vend, CompareBy< &GameEntity::x >() );
   copy( v, vend, ostream_iterator<GameEntity>( cout, "
" ) );

try this..

 class CompareByX
   operator ()(const GameEntity &a, const GameEntity &b) { ... };

 std::sort( this->begin(), this->end(), CompareByX);

In a nutshell, a functor is a function object - the STL looks specifically for an operator () that takes in the two parameters I ve specified. If you re new to C++, I suggest you look up operators and functors - they re pretty handy even outside STL.

Edit: Jerry s answer is better, and more comprehensive.

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