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How to use ruby thin with CGI scripts?

I ve written some ruby CGI scripts (using the Ruby CGI class) that I serve from my production server using lighttpd. I want to test them on my development server using thin. Basically, I want to drop all my CGI scripts in a directory and start thin in that directory. Then, any requests to http://localhost:3000/<script> should just execute <script> in the current directory and return the results. If thin has a built-in way of doing this, I can t find it. I would imagine the Rack config file for this is easy if you know what you re doing, but I don t.


This rackup file seems to work. I m not sure if it s the best solution, but it should be fine for a development environment.

run(lambda do |env|
  require  rubygems 
  require  systemu 
  script = env[ REQUEST_PATH ][1..-1] +  .rb 
  response =    
  err =   
  systemu([ ruby , script],  stdout  => response,  stderr  => err,  env  => { 
     foo  =>  bar  })
  if err.length > 0 
    [ 500, { Content-Type  =>  text/plain }, err ]
    idx = 0
    status = -1
    headers = {}
    while true
      line_end = response.index("
", idx)
      line = response[idx..line_end].strip
      idx = line_end+1

      if status < 0
        if line =~ /(ddd)/
          status = $1.to_i
          raise "Invalid status line: #{line}"
      elsif line.empty?
        name, value = line.split /: ?/
        headers[name] = value
    content = response[idx..-1]
    [status, headers, content]

I m a little unclear as to why Rack is necessary at all. If you wrote the script using Ruby s built-in CGI module, you should be able to just tell thin to treat the directory as a cgi-bin,just like the Apache ScriptAlias directive, and Ruby CGI will take care of the rest. If thin can t do this, perhaps lighttpd would be a better solution.

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