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What does default CSS s browsers depend on?

Hi (please excuse me for my ugly english ;-) )

Do you know if the default CSS of any user agent ... :

  • depends on its release number ?
  • depends on its layout engine ?
  • depends on the release number of its layout engine ?
  • depends on the OS ?
  • depends on the OS release number ?

If yes (for any choice), have you any example do demonstrate it ?

Thank you very much. :-)


It only depends on the browser make/version. You can find here an overview of default styles.

The main differences are in the margins of the block elements. One would recommend to use a CSS reset sheet to clean it up, but I d just specify the margin for every actually-to-be-used block element yourself.


It depends on the rendering engine used by the browser.

Unless you specifically need to know the defaults properties for your project - I d recommend looking into using a reset script .

If you use such a script, it will standardise the CSS defaults so they re the same across a range of browsers. Yahoo produce a good one, which is updated with each browser release (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/reset/)

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