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Despite I get different values of images in base64 when fetching data, but the same image is output for all images when rendering

I have a server where I store user images in base64 format. Im trying to fetch and render it, but I keep getting the same image. I understand that the problem is most likely in the particular work of react, but I don t understand what exactly the problem is.

Here s what I tried:

I have class Viewer that renders components Dialog with different props "name"

class Viewer extends Component {
      render() {
        return (
            <Dialog name={ 0 } id={ 0 }/>
            <Dialog name={ 54353 } id={ 54353 }/>
            <Dialog name={ 54354 } id={ 54354 }/>

In Dialog I have method getImage that fetch data in base64 and when componentDidMount setting it to "img"

    this.img = this.getImage(this.name);

getImage(_id) {
        //this.setState({ loading: true });
        const fileBlob = new FileReader(); // BLOB
          loading: true
        fetch(domenName +  /server/getUserImageById.php?user_id=  + _id)
          .then(response => response.blob())
          .then(response => {
              this.loading = false;
              this.setState({loading: false});
              response.size == 0 ? img = domenName +  /assets/img/noimage.png :
                [fileBlob.readAsDataURL(response), fileBlob.onload = () => {
                  img = fileBlob.result;
                  //console.log("id:" + _id);
          }).catch(error => {
            this.loading = false;
            //this.setState({loading: false});
            //console.log( error ) 
        return img;

Despite I get different values of images in base64 when fetching data, but the same image is output for all images when rendering


    class Dialog extends Component {
          return (
              <Text>Im user №{this.id}!</Text> 
          return (
                key = {this.id}
                source={{uri: this.img}} 
                style={{ width: 60, height: 60, borderRadius: 30 }} 
              <Text>Im user №{this.id}!</Text> 

Link to sandbox with example: https://snack.expo.dev/@konst1966/ea6dad



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