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octave in emacs (searching for program so such file or directory)

I m trying to run Octave from within emacs (I m mostly a beginner at both but have the hang of emacs shortcuts now). When I try run-octave as suggested here, I get the message.

Searching for file, no such file or directory, octave

Disclaimer: I m using Windows Vista. Octave is in c:Octave... the emacs default directory is c:usersusername

and I added this to the _emacs file:

(autoload octave-mode "octave-mod" nil t)

    (setq auto-mode-alist
            (cons  ("\.m$" . octave-mode) auto-mode-alist))

(autoload run-octave "octave-inf" nil t)

Any tips on how to tell emacs where octave is?

Thank you for your help in advance, Massagran


You need to make sure the octave binary, probably under "C:Octavein", is in the search path.

To check this, right click your "Computer" icon on the Desktop or the Start Menu, right-click, select "Properties" and then select "Advanced System Settings". Click the "Environments variables" button and look for PATH. If you can t find the octave directory mentioned in this variable append ";C:Octavein".

For more information on how to set the PATH variable check for example here.



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