English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do I force the browser to render the tags rather than reveal them to the user on altered div:innerHTML?

I m允许用户选择载于<代码><div></div>的案文并将其改为黑体字。 换言之,从<代码><div> ;该文本是某些文本的复制件;/div> to <div>this is <b>some</b> text</div>。 除此以外,所有方面都在发挥作用,但当我把div.inner/2006/2改为、b>、some<、/b>text<、b>、b>、标签被显示给用户,而不是作为“超”和显示大胆。 这一切都发生在客户的 Java印中。



页: 1

<div id="blob">
One simple, but not very efficient implementation of a dictionary is a linked 
list. In this implementation all operations take linear time in the worst case 
(and even in the average case), assuming that insertions first check whether the 
item is in the current list. A more scalable implementation of a dictionary is a 
balanced search tree. In this lecture note we present two even more efficient data 
structures based on hashing.




function tagText(el,tagstart,tagend)
    var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
    var rtxt = range.startContainer.textContent;
    var rlen = rtxt.length;
    var start = range.startOffset;
    var stop = range.endOffset;
    var result = rtxt.substring(0,start) + tagstart + rtxt.substring(start,stop) + tagend + rtxt.substring(stop,rlen);
//  el.innerHTML = result;
    range.startContainer.textContent = result;
    var txt = el.innerHTML;
    el.innerHTML = txt;

看一看四点:通过火力推来的内温超显示,标签越出&lt;b&gt; 而不是<b>


That s not what s causing your problem, but.. Isn t this wrong?

var txt = el.innerHTML;
el.innerHTML = txt;



<div id="blob">
One simple, but not very efficient implementation of a dictionary is a linked 
list. In this implementation all operations take linear time in the worst case 
(and even in the average case), assuming that insertions first check whether the 
item is in the current list. A more scalable implementation of a dictionary is a 
balanced search tree. In this lecture note we present two even more efficient data 
structures based on hashing.

<input type="button" value="sample" onclick= tagText(); >


  function tagText() {
    var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);


range.startContainer.textContent = result;

您实际上没有确定散射元素的内部超文本,你正在确定范围集装箱的正文,该集装箱不会将标记解释为超文本。 相反,试图从你的成果中直接确定微粒的内层超值,并明确范围。


var rtxt = range.startContainer.textContent;
var rlen = rtxt.length;
var start = range.startOffset;
var stop = range.endOffset;
var result = rtxt.substring(0,start) + tagstart + rtxt.substring(start,stop) + tagend + rtxt.substring(stop,rlen);
el.innerHTML = result;


在j Query, d be $ ( #blob ).wrap( <b></b> );。 那么,你甚至不需要写一份助手的职能。 认真使用图书馆。 不要浪费你的时间,把低水平的 st子 out起来。

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