I m using ActiveMQ on a simulation of overloading servers in Java. And mainly it goes ok, but when I get over 600 requests the thing just go WTF!
I think the bottleneck is my Master Server which is this guy below. I m already reusing the connection and creating various sessions to consume messages from clients. Like I said, I m using about 50-70 sessions per connection, reutilizing the connection and queue. Any idea of what I can reuse/optimize of my components/listener below?
The architecture is the follow:
* = various
Client ---> JMS MasterQueue ---> * Master ---> JMS SlavaQueue ---> * SlaveQueue
Mainly I m creating a Temp Queue for each session of Master --> Slave communication, is that a big problem on performance?
* This subclass implements the processing log of the Master JMS Server to
* propagate the message to the Server (Slave) JMS queue.
* @author Marcos Paulino Roriz Junior
public class ReceiveRequests implements MessageListener {
public void onMessage(Message msg) {
try {
ObjectMessage objMsg = (ObjectMessage) msg;
// Saves the destination where the master should answer
Destination originReplyDestination = objMsg.getJMSReplyTo();
// Creates session and a sender to the slaves
BankQueue slaveQueue = getSlaveQueue();
QueueSession session = slaveQueue.getQueueConnection()
.createQueueSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
QueueSender sender = session
// Creates a tempQueue for the slave tunnel the message to this
// master and also create a masterConsumer for this tempQueue.
TemporaryQueue tempDest = session.createTemporaryQueue();
MessageConsumer masterConsumer = session
// Setting JMS Reply Destination to our tempQueue
// Sending and waiting for answer
Message msgReturned = masterConsumer.receive(getTimeout());
// Let s check if the timeout expired
while (msgReturned == null) {
msgReturned = masterConsumer.receive(getTimeout());
// Sends answer to the client
MessageProducer producerToClient = session
producerToClient.send(originReplyDestination, msgReturned);
} catch (JMSException e) {