I m currently working on an ASP.Net MVC project for a software engineering class. My goal is to create a small online game rental system. I currently have a 3 tables, Movies, Games and Registrants; and I m using LINQ-to-SQL to define each of these tables as classes for my model. So far I ve created models for Movies and Games, what I would like to do when creating the Registrant model is create a relationship between Registrants and Movies and Games. What I ve tried so far is to define a foreign key between the ID (the primary key in the Registrant table) and a registrantID field in both the Movies and Games. What I realized is that if I were to remove an instance of a registrant, it will delete the associated movie and/or game from the other tables. What I m thinking of doing is creating two separate models defining rentedGames and rentedMovies and creating a relationship between those and the Games and Movies table in order to try and model a registrant renting/returning/buying movies or games from the store.
In Summary:
What I have so far:
- 3 tables: Registrants, Movies and Games.
- LINQ-to-SQL models for my inventory of movies and games.
What I m trying to setup:
- A model for a registrant renting/returning a movie and/or game, when a game is rented/returned, a flag is placed next to the item in the inventory to indicate its status.
Will adding separate tables to model a rented movie/game prevent items defined in my inventory models from being deleted?? i.e. when a customer returns a rented movie, the rentedMovie instance is deleted, but not the movie is is referring to in the movie inventory.
Is there such a thing as a related table having a status flag set on the related entry, as opposed to the entry being deleted, whenever the associated entry in the other table is modified?? i.e. when a customer returns a rented movie, the rentedMovie instance sets a flag in the movie it refers to that it s available for rent, the rentedMovie instance is then deleted.