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I m试图汇编一些C++文档。 在连接阶段时发现以下类型的错误。 (汇编工作) -
Main.o: In function operator<<(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >&,
Set const&) :
/usr/include/c++/4.3/new:105: multiple definition of
char, std::char_traits >&, Set const&)
bundleXX.o:/xxx/DATASTRUCTURES/SET/set.h:162: first defined h
Main.o: In function print(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allo
cator<char> >, int) :
/xxx/misc.h:28: multiple definition of
print(std::basic_string, std::allocator >, int)
bundleXX.o:/xxx/misc.h:28: first defined here
该代码以前正确链接。 只是在我试图将这一守则与一些其他穿透的法典相连接的时候。
My makefile is this :-
SRC = Main.C Bundle.C bundleXX.C BMinQuad.C MinQuad.C QPBundle.C
OBJ = Main.o Bundle.o MinQuad.o BMinQuad.o QPBundle.o bundleXX.o general_includes.o
CCC = g++
EXE = main
OPT = -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing
LFLAGS = -lm
Main.o: $(SRC)
$(CCC) $(DEBUG) $(LFLAGS) -I /xxx/ -I /xxx/DATASTRUCTURES/ -c $(SRC)
main: $(OBJ)
$(CCC) $(OBJ) -I /xxx/ -I /xxx/DATASTRUCTURES/ -o $(EXE)
/bin/rm -rf main.o
/bin/rm -rf main.o
/bin/rm -rf $(EXE)
touch out.out
/bin/rm -rf *.out
增 编
Edit: I tried inlining but it didn t work. I finally minimized the number of times I was including my code in the new code and it finally linked correctly. I think it might have been a case of recursive includes. 增 编 for the help though.