I m writing a program that will generate images. One measurement that I want is the amount of "self-similarity" in the image. I wrote the following code that looks for the countBest-th best matches for each sizeWindow * sizeWindow window in the picture:
double Pattern::selfSimilar(int sizeWindow, int countBest) {
std::vector<int> *pvecount;
double similarity;
int match;
int x1;
int x2;
int xWindow;
int y1;
int y2;
int yWindow;
similarity = 0.0;
// (x1, y1) is the original that s looking for matches.
for (x1 = 0; x1 < k_maxX - sizeWindow; x1++) {
for (y1 = 0; y1 < k_maxY - sizeWindow; y1++) {
pvecount = new std::vector<int>();
// (x2, y2) is the possible match.
for (x2 = 0; x2 < k_maxX - sizeWindow; x2++) {
for (y2 = 0; y2 < k_maxY - sizeWindow; y2++) {
// Testing...
match = 0;
for (xWindow = 0; xWindow < sizeWindow; xWindow++) {
for (yWindow = 0; yWindow < sizeWindow; yWindow++) {
if (m_color[x1 + xWindow][y1 + yWindow] == m_color[x2 + xWindow][y2 + yWindow]) {
nth_element(pvecount->begin(), pvecount->end()-countBest, pvecount->end());
similarity += (1.0 / ((k_maxX - sizeWindow) * (k_maxY - sizeWindow))) *
(*(pvecount->end()-countBest) / (double) (sizeWindow * sizeWindow));
delete pvecount;
return similarity;
The good news is that the algorithm does what I want it to: it will return a value from 0.0 to 1.0 about how self-similar a picture is.
The bad news -- as I m sure that you ve already noted -- is that the algorithm is extremely slow. It takes (k_maxX - sizeWindow) * (k_maxY - sizeWindow) * (k_maxX - sizeWindow) * (k_maxY - sizeWindow) * sizeWindow * sizeWindow
steps for a run.
Some typical values for the variables:
k_maxX = 1280
k_maxY = 1024
sizeWindow = between 5 and 25
countBest = 3, 4, or 5
m_color[x][y] is defined as short m_color[k_maxX][k_maxY] with values between 0 and 3 (but may increase in the future.)
Right now, I m not worried about the memory footprint taken by pvecount. Later, I can use a sorted data set that doesn t add another element when it s smaller than countBest. I am only worried about algorithm speed.
How can I speed this up?