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GREP: How to search for a value but at the same time exclude some matches

I need a way to simplify this command:

grep  SEARCHTERM  server.log | grep -v  PHHIABFFH  | grep -v  Stats 

It should find all the lines including SEARCHTERM but exclude if one of the SEARCHTERM lines includes PHHIABFFH or Stats.


This will work:

grep  SEARCHTERM  server.log | grep -Ev  PHHIABFFH|Stats 

Why do you want to simplify this pipe? Un*x commandline tools are made to be chained in a way like this.


Some of answers suggest using features of specific versions of grep. I like this but it is very possible that such specific features are not present in the version of grep used by the OP.

So as long as we don t know what environment the OP has and what version of which tool he can use I suggest to stick to the common features present in all versions of the tools used.

This again nicely illustrates the Un*x philosophy.

It s easy to underestimate the power of combining pipes and redirection. As an instructive example, The Unix Shell As a 4GL [Schaffer-Wolf] shows that with these facilities as a framework, a handful of simple utilities can be combined to support creating and manipulating relational databases expressed as simple textual tables.


If simple means just one command with more args ...

awk  $0 !~ /PHHIABFFH|Stats/ && /SEARCHTERM/  server.log

you can just use the shell

while read -r line
   case "$line" in
    *"Stats"*|*"PHHIABFFH"*) continue;;
    *"SEARCHTERM"* ) echo "$line";;
done < "file"

I would have just done this:

grep  SEARCHTERM  server.log | grep -v -e  PHHIABFFH  -e  Stats 

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