I am ramping up Cucumber, and I am having a issue getting one of my first tests to pass. The exception I am getting is:
And I visit the new contract screen
Acl9::AccessDenied (Acl9::AccessDenied)
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime
(eval):2:in `visit
./features/step_definitions/manage_contracts_steps.rb:2:in `/^I visit the (.*) screen$/
features/manage_contracts.feature:15:in `And I visit the new contract screen
Here is my cucumber feature ...
Given the following user records
| login | password | name | role |
| bob | secret | Bob | PSCM Staff |
| admin | secret | Frank| admin |
Scenario: Create Contract
When I log in as "bob" with password "secret"
And I visit the new contract screen
Then I should see "Contract Name"
My steps.rb:
Given /^the following user records$/ do |table|
table.hashes.each do |hash|
role = hash.delete( role )
u = Factory(:user, hash)
u.has_role!(role) if role
When /^I visit the (.*) screen$/ do |screen|
visit path_to(screen)
Finally in my controller.rb I have the following access_control block:
before_filter :load_contract, :except => [:cancel_action,:new,:create]
access_control do
allow :admin
allow logged_in, :to => [:index,:show,:log]
allow "PSCM Staff", :to => [:new,:create]
allow :editor, :of => :contract
The senario works fine when I follow the steps explicitly from the browser.
Sorry for the long post, and thanks!