我正在使用Cruise Control .Net 1.4进行持续集成,并已安装在我的Windows 2000桌面上。我使用Nant 0.85进行构建。我的源代码控制在Borland Starteam 2005中。我已安装了.NET 2003框架,用于创建VB.Net Windows应用程序。我已经安装了CCNet,我认为我的CCNet.config文件已正确配置。
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.
<workingDirectory>C:Documents and Settingsuj0011637DesktopStarteamCruiseControlCCNet17Nov08</workingDirectory>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<intervalTrigger name="continuous" seconds="120" buildCondition="ForceBuild" initialSeconds="120"/>Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.</triggers>
<sourcecontrol type="starteam">
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <executable>C:Program FilesBorlandStarTeam Cross-Platform Client 2005 R2stcmd.exe</executable>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <project>DEL_CA_ROBOTSToolsCCNet17Nov08</project>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <username>600513221</username>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <password>car0b0ts</password>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <host>oscar.nat.bt.com</host>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <port>51234</port>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <autoGetSource>true</autoGetSource>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <timeout units="minutes">10</timeout>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<!-- Configure NAnt to compile the updated files -->c:
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<nant>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<executable>C:Documents and Settingsuj0011637DesktopCruise Control
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<baseDirectory>C:Documents and Settingsuj0011637DesktopStarteamCruiseControlCCNet17Nov08</baseDirectory>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<nologo>false</nologo>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<buildFile>CCNet17Nov08.build</buildFile>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<logger>NAnt.Core.XmlLogger</logger>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<buildTimeoutSeconds>1200</buildTimeoutSeconds>
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<!--Publishers will be done after the build has completed-->
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<xmllogger>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<logDir>C:Documents and Settingsuj0011637DesktopStarteamCruiseControlLog</logDir>
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<target name="clean" description="Delete all previously compiled binaries.">
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<delete>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<fileset>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**/bin/${project::get-name()}.dll" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**/obj/**" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**/*.user" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.</fileset>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.</delete>
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<target name="rebuild" dependsontarget="clean, build ">
<zip zipfile="${project::get-name()}.zip"Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.verbose="true">
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<fileset>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**/bin/*.dll" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**/bin/*.exe" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.</fileset>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<fileset>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="*.aspx" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="*.css" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="*.config" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="*.js" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="*.asax" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**.txt" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**.vb" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**.vbproj" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**.user" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**.sln" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**.suo" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="**.resx" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.</fileset>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<fileset prefix="SQL">
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<include name="*.sql" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.</fileset>
<target name="unit_test" description="Run unit tests.">
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. <exec program="${nunit.dir}
unit-console.exe" commandline="bin/${prjname}.exe /xml=${prjname}.xml /nologo" />
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate. </target>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<target name="build.Console">
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<solution configuration="release" solutionfile="CCNet17Nov08.sln">
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.</solution>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<property name="expected.output" value="bin/${prjname}.exe"/>
Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.Sorry, there is no text provided to be translated into Chinese. Please provide the text to translate.<fail unless="${file::exists(expected.output)}">Output file doesn t exist in ${expected.output}</fail>
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