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经典ASP - IIS 5到IIS 6迁移会导致图像缓存问题?
  • 时间:2008-11-20 09:19:40
  •  标签:


我真正是一位数据库程序员,但我继承了对一个Classic-ASP Intranet应用程序的支持,该应用程序最近已经从IIS 5迁移到了运行IIS 6的新服务器。用户基础约为十几个,全部使用IE 6。



The problem:

自迁移到IIS 6以来,几个用户发现一个问题,可能是由于一些图像未能正确应用到层次结构中的一个或多个项目引起的;列表显示正确,但一个或多个图像丢失,点击任何链接会导致加载空白页。

使用Wireshark和IIS日志分析网络流量显示问题不在服务器端 - 所有内容都已正确提供给客户端。

The issue appears to be related to content caching at the client: it seems to more often affect users who have not used the application before on their current PC, or have not used it for some time. Also, I can replicate the issue approximately one attempt in three by starting a session, clearing my browser cache and then refreshing the page. However, the same is true of the application when running on IIS 5, so this issue may have existed before the migration to IIS 6 but have happened less frequently. Occasionally, if I leave the session for 20 minutes or so, the browser seems to "find" the missing images, and everything works OK.

If the application is accessed through a local proxy (I used Fiddler) the problem never occurs, although the Fiddler connection log shows one or more connections made to the server to retrieve the images has aborted. As before, network traffic shows that the image was returned by the server. However, using the proxy seems to enable IE to find other successfully retrieved copies of the image from the cache.

I ve reached the point where I m at the end of my limited knowledge of debugging ASP/IIS issues. Removing the list-style-images from the CSS fixes the problem, but this has to be the option of last resort since it makes the application more difficult to use.

Any suggestions on how I can proceed would be gratefully received.



I discounted a simple client configuration issue because this is the only application affected by the issue described I have tested all the options under Tools > Internet Options > Temporary Files > Settings with no change in behaviour.

What other client configuration options should I be considering?

编辑2-解决方案 (Biānjí 2- jiějué fāng'àn)

接受的答案促使我搜索IE6的已知问题,即在从客户端脚本生成HTML时请求多个图像副本- http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;319546


<DIV style= display:none ><IMG SRC= image.gif ></DIV>

这似乎对我有效-我无法通过在会话中清除我的浏览器缓存来再现问题,而 Fiddler 追踪显示每个图像仅被请求一次。

我发现了一个以前不知道的警告; IE缓存是大小写敏感的,因此只有当隐形DIV中指定的文件名的大小写与页面中其他地方使用的匹配时,才会使用缓存的图像。





编辑:现在问题已被确认为我所指的错误,你还应该注意到KB的参考,这里有一个短暂的延迟。问题的根源是为了重复使用新获取的图像,浏览器需要完成一些工作,这些工作被延迟到当前 JavaScript 块完成之前。需要不止一个短暂的延迟,还需要采用一种异步的方法。

我使用过display:none DIV方法来预先获取图像,这对于AJAX风格的工作非常有效。但是,如果您在窗口的onload事件期间或之前运行代码,则在此代码中添加图像仍然会存在问题。需要使用setTimeout使得在onload事件完成后能继续执行其他代码。



