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Which issue tracker do you recommend? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.

I am looking for an open source issue tracker with

  • Multiple projects
  • Wiki
  • Web API to integrate with CRM and other clients
  • Optionally Extendible via custom plugins or modules
  • Preferably written in PHP or Python. I am okay with other languages as long as it works on Unix/Linux

I ve happily used Trac and Redmine for various personal projects.

Trac is written in Python while Redmine is written in Ruby (leveraging the Rails framework).

Redmine has built-in multiple project feature while Trac planned supporting it in 0.12 (already available in a branch).

You would also have to make your choice depending on the SCM you re planning to use:

  • Redmine supports SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs
  • Trac supports SVN and Mercurial (support for Git available with a plugin available on Trac Hacks).

I used Bugzilla at another job a few years ago, but I think it s only bug tracking.

Where I m at now, we use FogBugz and it allows you to track cases, has wiki capabilities and even integrates with source control software. I believe there is a plugin architecture, but I haven t really looked at it.

However, I think it only programmed in ASP which most likely means IIS unless the Mono project has an ASP compatibility mode.

For my personal projects, where I m the only developer (and in many cases the only user), I have a self-made issue tracker that I made years ago, when the only big name in (free)issue trackers was Bugzilla, which I didn t like.

For a new multideveloper project I m working on, we re using Redmine. It s written in Ruby (on Rails) but it s easy to set up on Linux, supports a host of source control systems, has plugins and a wiki (including plugins to change the wiki syntax; I wrote one to do Mediawiki-style syntax since it was more familiar to the people using it). I don t know about it s API/integration but with plugins, odds are you can either find or write something to do what you need.

I asked this question about eleven months ago. I have been using Redmine and am pleased with the results. At the time of posting the question, Redmine didn t have an HTTP API, now it does. I have also recommended Redmine to others.

The reasons I like Redmine are:

  1. Support for multiple projects
  2. Integrated issue tracker, wiki, repository browser, forum and news feeds

I used trac for quite some time for a team of 4 developers. It worked well for us and provides most of the features you are looking for (integrations, wiki).

Other than that, you should look into Redmine and OTRS.

This article also gives a good review on the best open source bug trackers.

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