I think I figure out what question I am trying to ask I dont want get(Calendar.MONTH) I want the month not to be greater than the last caldendar month that is why i am doing month -1, i realize that if i use get(calendar.MONTH) it is getting month of november I just want to see check and make sure its not a greater then the december to us 12 to the computer 11. that is why every other month is invalid that is the question I am trying to get an answer for!?
public Date(String inString)
int month;// is define by cutting up the inString like this
int day; // same as month
int getSlash;
getSlash = inStr.indexOf( / );
month = Integer.parseInt(inStr.substring(0,getSlash));
day = Integer.parseInt(inStr.substring(getSlash + 1));
inStr = String.format("%02d/%02d%n",month,day);// padformatting string
inStr= new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd").format(new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd").parse(inStr));// checking to see if a actualdate
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
// this is what I don t understand after reading
if (month -1 > cal.get(Calendar.MONTH ) // how do I get it to say int of the month if the user types in 12 it gets invalid
System.out.Println("Invalid Month -> " + month");
when I do this all but month 11 is considered not vailid any one know why? I can not figure it out.