I had a similar problem myself. You can find the names of commands in the source code of plugins. Eg. for preview plugin the source code is in jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/preview/editor_plugin_src.js
Look for line #37:
ed.addButton( preview , {title : preview.preview_desc , cmd : mcePreview });
So the command name is not preview but mcePreview .
I wanted to set full screen mode on init. I ended up adding
init_instance_callback : resizeEditorBox
to init.
resizeEditorBox = function (editor) {
setTimeout("tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand( mceFullScreen )", 100);
before init and commenting out:
// a.win.setTimeout(function() {
// tinymce.dom.Event.remove(a.win, "resize", e.resizeFunc);
// tinyMCE.get(c.getParam("fullscreen_editor_id")).setContent(c.getContent({format:"raw"}), {format:"raw"});
// tinyMCE.remove(c);
// a.remove("mce_fullscreen_container");
// i.style.overflow = c.getParam("fullscreen_html_overflow");
// a.setStyle(a.doc.body, "overflow", c.getParam("fullscreen_overflow"));
// a.win.scrollTo(c.getParam("fullscreen_scrollx"), c.getParam("fullscreen_scrolly"));
// tinyMCE.settings = tinyMCE.oldSettings
// }, 10)
in editor_plugin.js - because I don t need any other mode, just fullscreen mode. Hope that helps.