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Android NDK: Autogenerate function declarations?

I am trying to use a pre-existing native C library in my android project.. The library builds just fine with the NDK tools...

Now what I ve come to understand is that I cannot just call into the library, but my library needs to include jni.h and add specific function declarations, like for example:

JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_MultPkg_Mult_mult(JNIEnv *, jobject, jint, jint);

But since I m using an existing library I that is also used on other platforms I don t like the idea of littering the whole code with these definitions that will only end up wrapping my real functions...

Is there a way around this? And if this really is the only way, is there any way to automatically generate these based on my existing C function declarations/definitions?

Much appreciated


Use the javah tool that comes with your JDK as it s not part of the Android s SDK nor NDK.

Use SWIG to auto generate the jni compatible c file. It also generate the .java class so that your android interacts with the java class in which has all the native methods.

Take a look at this : SWIG Android

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