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Can I use Struct.new as a Rails model? Or: How to create anonymous structured non-db backed sessions?

Given the following example:

class AnonymousSession << Struct.new(:location, :preferences)
  def valid?
  def new_record?

While this interface is sufficient to create resourceful form and so on, it fails as soon as I want to save my form data to the session:

if session[:user] = AnonymousSession.create(params[:anonymous_session])
  #--> fails with "unknown key(s): location..."

The error message is about "unknown keys". Any clue how to make it work? I just need anonymous sessions without database backend. They are completely disposable due to their short live nature.

Maybe my approach is wrong anyway and there s already an elegant solution to using anonymous sessions? I had a look at AuthLogic but any example I found always comes with an ActiveRecord model (and thus bound to a database).


I have used this solution, where my model derives from Tableless. I think it will work in your case as well.


Ryan Bates has a couple Railscast episodes that might help you out: Session Based Model and Super Simple Authentication.

You d have to explain more as to what you re trying to accomplish. Why couldn t you just create an AnonymousSession class in /app/models?

class AnonymousSession

  attr_accessor :location, :preferences

  def new_record?
   # ...

  def valid?
   # ...


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