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How can I use Haml with Catalyst?

Is it possible to use Haml instead of a templating engine with the Catalyst web framework?


As far as I know (as the author of Haml), there s no Perl implementation yet.


Text::Haml exists now. I m looking at maybe using it instead of HTML.HAML seems to lack some complex templating constructs such as conditionals and loops, so I m considering writing a Template::Plugin::HAML to integrate for those extra constructs.


I implemented Template::Plugin::Haml using Text::Haml so now you and use Haml in your Template-Toolkit templates, which of course are easy to make on Catalyst. (note: if it says it s not there give it 24 hours and check again I just uploaded it)

A Perl version of Haml is in the works here:


Maybe Template::Declare could be an alternative?

From what I could see, HAML is a ruby-only thing. Like most Ruby "DSLs" it s really just using Ruby syntax as an API and can t really be done outside of Ruby without implementing all of it.

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