If you are doing this as a command-line app, then here s code I wrote last week to get a line from the command prompt (I made it an NSString
+ (NSString *) stringFromStandardInDelimitedByCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet *)delimiters {
NSMutableString * string = [NSMutableString string];
unichar input = ;
while (input = getchar()) {
if ([delimiters characterIsMember:input]) { break; }
[string appendFormat:@"%C", input];
return string;
And then I d use it like this:
NSString * input = [NSString stringFromStandardInDelimitedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];
It doesn t handle unicode characters very well (despite using a unichar), because getchar() only returns a regular char. However, for basic command-line text entry, it works pretty well. However, be warned that this will block the thread on which it s executed (since getchar() is a blocking call).