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Spring Security Encrypt MD5

I have a java web application using spring framework and spring security for its login. In my database I have my passwords encrypted to MD5 before being saved. I added in my application-config.xml this codes

<security:password-encoder hash="md5"/>
        users-by-username-query="select user_name username, user_password password, 1 enabled from users where user_name=?"
        authorities-by-username-query="select username, authority from authorities where username=?" />

At first It worked when the password in the db were not encrypted. But when I encrypted it and added this snippet in my application config

      <security:password-encoder hash="md5"/>

I am not able to login.


How are you creating your MD5 hashes? Something like the following works well in Java:

MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");  
messageDigest.update(user.getPassword().getBytes(),0, user.getPassword().length());  
String hashedPass = new BigInteger(1,messageDigest.digest()).toString(16);  
if (hashedPass.length() < 32) {
   hashedPass = "0" + hashedPass; 

When you encode "koala" do you get "a564de63c2d0da68cf47586ee05984d7"?


I realize this is a little late, but Spring has built-in classes that make this a lot easier.

public void testSpringEncoder() {
    PasswordEncoder encoder = new Md5PasswordEncoder();
    String hashedPass = encoder.encodePassword("koala", null);

    assertEquals("a564de63c2d0da68cf47586ee05984d7", hashedPass);

This is a unit test that I wrote using the built in Spring Security code, it is a lot smaller than the MessageDigest code and since you are using Spring Security already, you should have the classes in your classpath already.

Have you read 6.3.3 Hashing and Authentication section from Spring Security reference manual? It mentioned some possible issues that you might encounter in using password hashing.

Some possibilities it listed:

  • Database password hash might be in Base64, while the result from MD5PasswordEncoder is in hexadecimal strings
  • Your password hash might be in upper-case, while the result from the encoder is in lower case strings

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