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ruby - if string is not contained within an array

I only want to output one anchor here. If the current_page is in the array I get two (.html and -nf.html). If it is not in the array I get as many anchors as there are items in the array.

I am using StaticMatic.

- if page_options[:current_index] < page_options[:total_index] && page_options[:current_index] > 0

    // loop through the pre-flash array and if current page matches, add -nf
    - page_options[:pre_flash] = [ string_one-nf ,  string_two-nf ,  string_three-nf ]
    - page_options[:pre_flash].each do |each_string|

        - if current_page.include? each_string
                %a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}-nf.html", :class => "next" }
        - else
                %a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}.html", :class => "next" }
unless current_page.include? the_string


You could break the each-loop if you want your first finding to be the only one. But now this looks a little bit weird, because you are iterating over an array and breaking after the first element no matter what happens. Am I addressing your problem at all?

options[:pre_flash] = [ string_one-nf ,  string_two-nf ,  string_three-nf ]
page_options[:pre_flash].each do |each_string|
  if current_page.include? each_string
    %a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}-nf.html", :class => "next" }
    # This is the last ancor
    %a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}.html", :class => "next" }
    # This is the last ancor

Okay, so I think we re checking that none of page_options[:current_index] are substrings of current_page.

if page_options[:current_index] < page_options[:total_index] && page_options[:current_index] > 0

found_item = false

// loop through the pre-flash array and if current page matches, add -nf
- page_options[:pre_flash] = [ string_one-nf ,  string_two-nf ,  string_three-nf ]
- page_options[:pre_flash].each do |each_string|

    - if current_page.include? each_string
            found_item = true
                    %a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}-nf.html", :class => "next" }

# do whatever you need to get out of the staticmatic block...

    - if !found_item

                    %a{ :href => "page#{page_options[:current_index]}.html", :class => "next" }

Sorry - I misunderstood what you were doing... thought you were doing an include? on an array but it was a string... :-)

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