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Activate <div> based on User Agent

I need to activate a "div" based on the user agent string. For example, (and this is my actual use for this,) A user with Firefox comes to my site. I want to tell them something along the lines of "Welcome Firefox User! Thank you for supporting Open Source Software, etc;".

That message is inside a Div. I would like to just show it for firefox users. It has to be compatible with most modern (mainstream) browsers. I am using PHP.

Thank you in advance.



On server-side with PHP, you can inspect the user s browser string with the built-in $_SERVER[ HTTP_USER_AGENT ] variable. Then, based on its value, you can output a DIV.


Try this:

<?php if(strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Firefox") !== FALSE) { ?>
  <div>Thanks for supporting Firefox!</div>
<?php } ?>

Not very reliable, though. I answered just so I could do the conditional-drop-out-of-PHP thing, which I abhor.

You can use server side detection, but as you ve not specified what language you are using, I can only suggest a frontend (javascript) method.

jQuery has a utility function jQuery.browser() which will return one of a number of "flags" based on the useragent string. Take a look at the docs at the link below for more information.

jQuery.browser() @ jQuery Docs

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