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原标题:Question about Object Identity and Object Equality and String class exception

This is a Java and C# question. We all know that, Object Identity(==) tests whether two objects refer to the same location and Obejct Equality(Equals method) tests whether two different (non identical)objects have the same value .But In case of string object Object Identity and Object Equality are same. For e.g Below two boolean expressions in if statements return true

string a="123";
string b="123";

Why is it so?? What is the rational behind this design decision?


实际上,至少在贾瓦,有一个缝.机制。 陷阱是,在申请身份操作者时,两处平方有时会回来,但并不总是能够回去。 下面的密码是伪造的:

String a="123";
String b="12";

如果你真的想要确定,a.equis(b)=真实,但(a=b)=虚假对两个Sting a和 b的错误评价,那么你可以使用完全低估的(^)建筑商:

String a = new String("abc");
String b = new String("abc");
if (a.equals(b)) {
   if (a != b) {

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