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New not allocating enough memory?

Well, I m taking packets straight off the wire and extracting TCP streams from them.

In the short, this means stripping off the various headers (eg, eth->IP->TCP->stream data).

In the function that is called when I ve finally gotten through all the headers, I am experiencing a strange error.

    /*Meta is a pointer to the IP header, pkt is a pointer to the TCP header*/
    virtual const u_char* processPacket(const u_char* pkt, const u_char* meta) {
        //Extract IP info from meta.
        iphdr* metaHdr = (iphdr*)meta;
        //Form TCP header from the current offset, hdr.
        const tcphdr* hdr = (const tcphdr*)pkt;

        //Do pointer math to figure out the size of the stream data.
        u_int32_t len = ntohs(metaHdr->tot_len) - metaHdr->ihl*4 - hdr->doff*4;
        if(len > 0)
            //Store TCP stream data in a queue, mapped to it s IP source.
            TCPStream* stream = new TCPStream();
            stream->seqNumber = ntohl(hdr->seq);
            stream->streamData = new u_char(len);
            //memcpy(stream->streamData, offset(pkt), len);
            for(u_int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
                printf("k%i-%i",len, i); //Used to figure out when the segfault occurs.
                stream->streamData[i] = offset(pkt)[i]; //Offset returns a pointer to the data under the TCP header


        return offset(pkt);

TCP stream is simply a u_int32_t and a u_char* pointing to a copy of the packet s data. So, when I was using memcpy it segfaulted.
Obviously, either my pointers were invalid, or I was messing up my length.

In this particular packet s case, the length of the data is 1380 bytes (confirmed by Wireshark), so len is correctly computed.

Ok, so I must have my pointers messed up (but not NULL). I did the following experiment:

stream->streamData[0] = offset(pkt)[0]; //Works
stream->streamData[0] = offset(pkt)[len]; //Works, odd.
stream->streamData[len] = offset(pkt)[0]; //Fails, scary
stream->streamData[len] = offset(pkt)[len]; //Fails

So, I segfault when dereferencing too far into streamData (index 1236 to be specific)! But streamData is instantiated as:

stream->streamData = new u_char(len); 

I start iterating through streamData at i=0, so I m not skipping a bunch of my data. streamData is u_char* and offset(pkt) is u_char* so I m not messing up my types.

This fails at a particular packet, after successfully iterating through 3000+ other packets. The dump file is 27 megs, and I ve got 4 gigs of ram, so I don t think I m running out or anything... So I m forced to conclude that new is not allocating enough memory, but why?

stream->streamData = new u_char(len);

This allocates a single character, intialized to len.

To allocate an array, use:

stream->streamData = new u_char[len];

And where-ever you deallocate it:

delete [] stream->streamData;


stream->streamData[len] = offset(pkt)[0]; //Fails, scary

That would be undefined behavior even if the array was allocated correctly. Valid indexes to access are 0 to len not inclusive.



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