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Screenshot of window

I m trying to take screenshots of all open windows, also the minimized ones. Currently I m using this code: http://www.developerfusion.com/code/4630/capture-a-screen-shot/

But it doesn t work for minimized windows and the areas where there is a Glass effect since Vista like the explorer title bar are black. Can anyone help me out?

My objective is to create something similar to Flip 3D; it would be great if someone also knew something about how to create a live preview.


I ve found the API that is used for the taskbar previews a.s.o.:

DWM Thumbnail Overview

Pretty awesome, it even allows you to do live previews!


For the glass effect areas: I think it doesn t work because those areas may be drawn with some strange DirectX method instead of normal GDI.

For the minimized windows problem: if a window is minimized, its DC isn t painted (conceptually, it doesn t even have a reason to exist); you should try to send to such windows a WM_PRINT message, asking them to paint themselves on the DC you ll provide them. The problem with this approach is that not all the windows handle correctly WM_PRINT.

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