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How does one call the down method for a Doctrine migration in Symfony 1.2?

I am using Symfony 1.2 with the sfDoctrinePlugin.

I couldn t find any command to call the down method on a migration, neither the documentation suggests any related arguments to the existing doctrine migrate command.
What would be a way to rollback the migration I just ran successfully? Creating a new migration to undo is an option, but that is almost blasphemous and plainly stupid.


If you are at Migration Version N, then

./symfony doctrine:migrate N-1

will call the down method on the Nth migration.


You could also do

./symfony doctrine:migrate --down

as by the docu:

symfony doctrine:migrate [--application[="..."]] [--env="..."] [--up] [--down] [--dry-run] [version]

Just give the migration number you would like to migrate to and Doctrine will determine whether to call up or down. See the API docs for migrate in 1.2:

(integer) migrate($to = null, $dryRun = false)

Perform a migration process by specifying the migration number/version to migrate to. It will automatically know whether you are migrating up or down based on the current version of the database.

returns Version number migrated to

throws Doctrine_Exception

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