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How can I set up SSH tunneling to access a webserver behind a firewall?

How would I access a webserver behind a firewall? I m developing an application for this webserver which is not yet open to the public.

Someone walked me through this before, so I know it can be done. However, it has been about four months and I haven t been able to do it again.

I m using Putty to connect to the remote machine. From that machine I can open the site http://dev.server.address:83 using Firefox. However, I want to be able to open http://localhost:80 on my machine to see the same page.

I m using the server address and port 83 for the "source port" I m using localhost:80 for the "destination port"


You need to enter "80" into Source port and dev.server.address:83 to Destination.

[And don t forget to click the "Add" button before you leave the configuration screen. If you don t click that, PuTTY doesn t actually create a tunnel. I fell for that gotcha quite a few times myself]


Have you tried using instead of localhost:80? I don t use PuTTY, but when I use SSH on my machine, I have to specify instead of localhost.

Do you have a webserver running on your local machine? If that is listening on port 80 http://localhost:80 wont work. Alternatively try mapping the source to a different port (12345 for eg.) and then try http://localhost:12345 in your browser.

On Linux you can also make it happen with:

$ ssh -f -R 83:localhost:80 user@dev.server.address

Provided that you have an SSH account named "user".

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