English 中文(简体)
如何创建一个包含页眉、页脚和内容的HTML CSS页面
  • 时间:2008-12-16 16:12:34
  •  标签:


  1. 标题,在设计时具有未知内容,因为它在运行时填充文本。必须显示所有文本,无滚动条。(我认为height:100%可以做到这一点)

  2. 内容,应填满从页眉底部到页脚顶部的页面。如果内容中有更多文本无法显示,则应提供滚动条。

  3. 页脚。页脚应该为25px高,并始终位于视口底部。





标题:不要指定高度。Div将自动调整大小到其内容的高度。 Translated: 标题:不要指定高度。Div将自动调整大小到其内容的高度。

内容:指定 margin-bottom: 25px 以避免被页脚重叠。


你需要研究模拟IE < 7的固定位置的方法。例如,请参考

How do I get a floating footer to stick to the bottom of the viewport in IE 6?


This can be a pain in the butt if you want the footer at the bottom of the window. The only way I ve found to do this and make it work cross-browser is by using a dreaded table layout - and before I get my head bitten off, table layouts are frowned upon - big time.

It s easy to position the header and the content...but as far as I m aware, not the footer so far, I ve only found 2 ways of positioning the footer at the bottom of the window (as opposed to the bottom of the document which may be half way up the window for short documents), 1 uses Javascript to reference the Window.Height and the other uses tables (the frowned upon, but simple way of doing this).

Up to this point, I ve yet to see a CSS that reliably does this in all browsers. I would be very interested to see a CSS that does this...
