English 中文(简体)
• 如何使新增加的电文能够浏览?
原标题:How to make NSTableView scroll to most recently added row?

I m 动态地增加一句话。 当我发表[表格重载数据]时,我可以看到滚动观点的转变,如果我用手把这个观点推向上,我就可以看到新的价值。 但是,我怎么能自动推移?

NSInteger numberOfRows = [tableView numberOfRows];

if (numberOfRows > 0)
    [tableView scrollRowToVisible:numberOfRows - 1];





 [table scrollRowToVisible:indexOfNewRow];

I solved it as shown below, using the didAddRowView to work properly: Obviously, if I add a new record, the tableview needs to create a new row view.

- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView  didAddRowView:(NSTableRowView *)rowView forRow:(NSInteger)row {
// it sends notification from all tableviews.
// I am only interested in the dictionary...

if (tableView == dictTableView){
    if ( row == [dictTableView numberOfRows]-1){
        [dictTableView scrollRowToVisible:row];



- (IBAction)addNewDictItem:(id)sender {
NSInteger row=[[theDictArrayController arrangedObjects]count];

[theDictArrayController add:sender];
[dictTableView noteNumberOfRowsChanged];
[dictTableView scrollRowToVisible:row-1];


我以前的解决办法如下所示。 将“didAddRow”活动归类可能还为时过早,因此新的行文(滚动到......)尚未开通。


-(IBAction)addNewDictItem:(id)sender {
   [theDictArrayController add:sender];

Now, when the controller adds an object, it selects this object automatically. Just "hop on" this event by catching the notification from the tableview. Nice thing about it: lines and views are created before, and the new row is ready to be selected.

-(void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
NSTableView * tableView=[aNotification object];

if (dictElementAdded && tableView == dictTableView  ){
    NSInteger   row= [[tableView selectedRowIndexes ] firstIndex ];        
        [dictTableView scrollRowToVisible:row];
        dictElementAdded = FALSE;

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