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Default SVG style

What is the default SVG style ? for example, what is the default font of a new SVG document ? Is it described in the SVG spec ?

<svg><text x="10" y="10">Hello</text></svg>



Go here and scan the page for the string "Initial:". Then you find any initial values the spec defines for text rendering. For font-family it states however:

    Value:      [[ <family-name> |
                    <generic-family> ],]* [<family-name> |
                    <generic-family>] | inherit
    Initial:    depends on user agent
    Applies to:     text content elements
    Inherited:      yes
    Percentages:    N/A
    Media:      visual
    Animatable:     yes

That means, the user agent may decide, which font family to use, if none is given, or if it cannot access a font with the given name.

Overall initial values: The spec defines initial values in every case, where you can write an attribute as CSS declaration (like fill: red;). In this case the behaviour is like the one CSS defines.

In some of the other cases there are fallbacks defined, but it depends on the case.


Well, I ve not tested it myself but according to SVG Specs 1.1 Font Description, there s no default font (font-face/font-family) mentioned. It does stated this:
"The font-face element corresponds directly to the @font-face facility in CSS2"

Well, I would assume it should take the parent container s font if specified. If there s none specified on the parent or no parent, I guess it ll be the browser s default font or the viewer s. Don t quote me though. :P

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