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MVP, design question

I working on a MVP designed application and have some design questions. When writing code in the presenter-layer how should the communication go between different presenters/views? Lets say I have a WindowPresenter with its WindowView and I want to set the window title on a window from another window. I have a title-setter on the window view that wraps the actual gui title. Should I call the title-setter directly on the view (windowPresenter.View.Title = "Title") or should I wrap the view title as a presenter title setter (windowPresenter.Title = "Title") ?


Ask yourself how would you test it? If you do windowPresenter.View.Title = "Title", how can you test that presenter is setting the title?

There is a nice article that focuses quite a lot on similar things in MSDN magazine this month:

Beyond MVP - Extending the MVP Pattern for Enterprise-Class Application UI Architecture

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