English 中文(简体)
c. 物体的反对和排 to形式?
原标题:Form to object and loop through objects in c#?

我有以下主要形式:(frmMain),有的则有:(button1, button2......)


object objectsContainer = frmMain; // <--now the object contains form base, button1, button2...



foreach (PropertyInfo pInfo in objectsContainer.GetType().GetProperties())     


foreach (object objectFromForm in objectsContainer)     // <--- how to do this looping an object (type of form)
    //here is objectFromForm = base, button1, button2...
    foreach (PropertyInfo pInfo in objectFromForm .GetType().GetProperties())     
               //here it s possible to access pInfo and its properties like size, name ...

当Im debuggin和审视物体的内容时 我想要的是集装箱。



** 本文件迟交。 本文件迟交。


** 本文件迟交。 本文件迟交。

OK, I made a test project. There you could see what I want to do. In the project is an image with the objects... Here you can download it: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ik5j3ejnzm2



每一<代码>Control都有Controls的收集资料,经您通过全面分类可检索,但不幸的是 ToolStrip。 这些项目使用不同的物体模型(即:tt allControl);因此,你可以iterate这种装置(也包括菜单项目),但只字塔;这里的例子有:

    IEnumerable RecurseObjects(object root) {
        Queue items = new Queue();
        while (items.Count > 0) {
            object obj = items.Dequeue();
            yield return obj;
            Control control = obj as Control;
            if (control != null) {
                // regular controls and sub-controls
                foreach (Control item in control.Controls) {
                // top-level menu items
                ToolStrip ts = control as ToolStrip;
                if (ts != null) {
                    foreach(ToolStripItem tsi in ts.Items) {
            // child menus
            ToolStripDropDownItem tsddi = obj as ToolStripDropDownItem;
            if (tsddi != null && tsddi.HasDropDownItems) {
                foreach (ToolStripItem item in tsddi.DropDownItems) {


    foreach (object obj in RecurseObjects(this)) {





private void RecusiceControls(ControlCollection controls)
            foreach (Control control in controls)
                if (control is Button)


rel=“nofollow noreferer”> 在C#中重新设定控制权。

public IEnumerable<Control> Get (object o)  
    if (o is System.Windows.Forms.Control)  
        System.Windows.Forms.Control f =(System.Windows.Forms.Control)o;  
        foreach(System.Windows.Forms.Control c in f.Controls)  
            yield return c;
            foreach(System.Windows.Forms.Control c2 in Get(c))  
                yield return c2;


using System.Windows.Forms;

public static class ControlExtensions 
    public IEnumerable<Control> DescendantControls(this Control control)  
        foreach(var child in control.Controls)  
            yield return child;
            foreach(var descendant in child.DescendantControls())  
                yield return descendant;


我决定进行这一尝试。 我下载了你的样本,并修改了你的主要形式,以包括我认为你要求采用的算法。 希望:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Test
   public partial class Form1 : Form
      public Form1()

         //if you debug this code then the objects is holding all controls on this form
         object objects = this;

         Dictionary<Control, string> allControls = GetIt(objects);

      /// <summary>
      /// How to get all control names an .Text values if availible (included this form)???
      /// </summary>
      private Dictionary<Control, string> GetIt(object objects)
          Dictionary<Control, string> found = new Dictionary<Control, string>();
          Queue<Control> controlQueue = new Queue<Control>();
          controlQueue.Enqueue(objects as Control);

          while (controlQueue.Count > 0)
              Control item = controlQueue.Dequeue();
              foreach (Control ctrl in item.Controls)
              found.Add(item, item.Text);

          return found;

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