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The proper way to handle popup closing

I m looking for close event for popup. I ve found one for XUL, but I need it for HTML.

Popup has closed property.

>>> var popup = open( http://example.com/ ,  popup ,  height=400,width=500 );
>>> popup.closed

Well, I can check it once at half second.

function open_popup() {
  var popup = open( http://example.com/ ,  popup ,  height=450,width=450 );
  var timer = setInterval(function(){
    if (popup.closed) {
      alert( popup closed! );
  }, 500);

I ve tested it on Chrome, Opera 10.10, Safari 4.0.4, and Firefox 3.5.5. All works fine.

But setInterval bother me. It is ugly. Is there a better way of doing this?

UPDATE: I use popups for authentication dialog (oAuth, actually). I wanna send some data to parent window after popup close (through postMessage).

Page inside popup from another domain. So, I can not add any event (unload) to it due security restrictions.

I can not use iframe due to iframe buster script. So, I can not use any fancy jQuery modal dialogs.

I can not edit anything inside popup.


You might want to look into the unload event, take a look at Javascript: Popups

edit: as you ve said you cannot edit anything inside the popup, there really aren t any options left. I believe your current setInterval code does the job just fine. You should ask yourself if realtime detection of the popup closing is absolutely critical. That 500 milliseconds timer certainly won t strain hardly any resources or bring someones computer to its knees.


I have used jQuery Dialog and it has a close event


Am not sure if I understand your question right,why do you want to use the timer ?

Use window.opener in the pop-up window. i.e. something like:

onunload = opener.alert( popup closed );


onunload = opener.nameOfAFunction();

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