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Problem with Stripes submit

I m currently experiencing a problem with submit button in Stripes. It completely ignores event, that it should call. Actionbean is working on links with no problems... Im stuck on that for like 3 hours.

event in actionbean

public Resolution addc() {
    log.debug("addc() contract={}", contract);
    return new RedirectResolution(this.getClass(), "all");


<s:form beanclass="actionbean.ContractsActionBean">
    <%@include file="forms/formContractDetails.jsp"%>

    <li><s:submit name="addc" class="submit" title="">Add C</s:submit></li>
    <li><s:link href="/all">Cancel</s:link></li>

Actionbean was @UrlBind-ed on {$event}, changed it to /ab/{$event} and it works now. Probably some interference with index.jsp or something. This is the kind of stuff that will kill me some day. Whole day lost over 4 chars. Hope it will help someone else at least.



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