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Scala 案例类别对内部类型中的错误进行汇编?
原标题:Scala Case class matching compile error with aliased inner types?

我如何使用与别类相匹配的个案类别? 当我把CB等带出集装箱时,就进行这项工作。

class DoStuff[TKey](
  val c : Container[TKey]#CB
  type CB = Container[TKey]#CB
  type C1 = Container[TKey]#C1
  type C2 = Container[TKey]#C2

  c match {
    case C1(e1) => e1  //   - not found: value e1   - not found: value C1
    case C2(e2) => e2 //    - not found: value e2   - not found: value C2

trait Container[TKey]
    abstract trait CB
    case class C1(val e : AnyRef) extends CB
    case class C2(val e : AnyRef) extends CB



权利 在Schala的班级比较粗略。 在我向各位展示你所提供法典的改写版本之前,请举一个简单的例子。

case class Foo(x: Int) {
  case class Bar(y: String) 


val x = new Foo(1)
val y = new Foo(2)

val a = new x.Bar("one")
val b = new y.Bar("two") 

www.un.org/chinese/sc/presidency.asp Foo。 但我们可以更具体地说,<代码>a的类型是x。 Bar b的类型:y。 Bar - which means that a is an instance of the inner category Bar with the exbject x, similar for b.

您可以实际看到,这些类型不同,其方式是:typeOf(a)typeOf(b),其中eOf是此种定义的一种通用方法。 (仅给出其论点的类型,其依据为相当的冰类推论,并给出使用Manifests>的参照标准。)

def typeOf[T](x: T)(implicit m: scala.reflect.Manifest[T]) = m.toString

作为内物体,请注明其外在物体。 因此,你可以打电话<代码>new x.Bar(“one”),但不能打电话到new Foo#Bar(......)?”——就如第二种情况,你没有指明你试图建造的新物体的内心物体是什么。

So, let s return to your code snippet. When you are pattern matching, you are actually calling a constructor - when calling C1(e1). As C1 is an alias for Container[TKey]#C1 you have tried to call a constructor of an inner class without specifying its outer object, which fails due to the reasons outlined above. The way I would write the code would be as follows:

trait Container[TKey] {
    abstract trait CB
    case class C1(val e : AnyRef) extends CB
    case class C2(val e : AnyRef) extends CB

class DoStuff[TKey] (val c: Container[TKey], val element: Container[TKey]#CB) {
  element match {
    case c.C1(e1) => Some(e1)
    case c.C2(e2) => Some(e2)
    case _        => None

现在,这汇编了你们想要的东西,希望你们能够这样做。 但非常谨慎地这样做! 由于类型学,Schala不能保证element实际上是c.CB/code>或d。 CB,其中CB in the case of c and d are the same.


def matcher(arg: Foo#Bar) = {
  arg match {
    case x.Bar(n) => println("x");
    case y.Bar(n) => println("y");

<代码>xy与前。 运行情况如下:


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trait Container[TKey] {
    abstract trait CB
    case class C1(val e : AnyRef) extends CB
    case class C2(val e : AnyRef) extends CB
    val element: CB

class DoStuff[TKey](val c: Container[TKey]) {
  c.element match {
    case c.C1(e1) => Some(e1)
    case c.C2(e2) => Some(e2)
    case _        => None





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