I have switched to the jQuery lightBox plug in.
How do I set it so that the next and previous buttons always show. My users are not quick enough to know you have to mouse the mouse over the image to see more.
I have switched to the jQuery lightBox plug in.
How do I set it so that the next and previous buttons always show. My users are not quick enough to know you have to mouse the mouse over the image to see more.
Put this in the .lightBox() call
$( a[@rel*=lightbox] ).lightBox();
$( a[@rel*=lightbox] ).lightBox().lightBox({fixedNavigation:true});
In the jquery.lightbox.min.css change
The HTML: <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="m1">Get Selected id s</a> The Function: jQuery("#m1").click( function() { var s; s = jQuery("#list4").getGridParam( selarrrow )...
How to get a selected text inside a iframe. I my page i m having a iframe which is editable true. So how can i get the selected text in that iframe.
I am using the cycle plugin with pager functionality like this : $j( #homebox ) .cycle({ fx: fade , speed: fast , timeout: 9000, pager: #home-thumbs , ...
I have a div <div id="masterdiv"> which has several child <div>s. Example: <div id="masterdiv"> <div id="childdiv1" /> <div id="childdiv2" /> <div id="...
I have a button that opens a dialog when clicked. The dialog displays a div that was hidden After I close the dialog by clicking the X icon, the dialog can t be opened again.
I need help to use jConfirm with this existing code (php & Jquery & jAlert). function logout() { if (confirm("Do you really want to logout?")) window.location.href = "logout.php"; } ...
Ok, I m stumped. Basically, this script works fine in FF, but not in IE (6,7 or 8) - in which it returns an "Object doesn t support this property or method" error. Any ideas?: function ...
What I m trying to do, is wrap text into div inside ll tag. It wouldn t be a problem, but I need to wrap text that appears particularly after "-" (minus) including "minus" itself. This is my html: &...