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Open-source p2p videoconferencing in Flash or Java?

I want to build a community website with videoconferencing functionality integrated. I would prefer to provide this from within the browser, so I m looking for a Java- or Flash-based solution.

Also, it would be nice to spare bandwidth by having the clients stream their audio and video data without using a central server (like the way Skype works, for example).

Is there a reasonably mature open-source project that meets these criteria?


When doing Voice over IP, UDP is preferred, and web browser plugins usually lacks support for UDP and P2P-connections.

But there is a solution. You have to use Adobe Flash Player 10 and the Adobe Stratus for this. This is actually what Chatroulette is using for P2P streamed video chat.


Take it from someone who found out the hard way: Java s support for video playback is pisspoor. They keep promising a new, fantastic video playback system, but meanwhile we are STILL stuck with Java Media Framework, the platform-limited, MPEG-4 incompatible mess.

Your alternatives are Quicktime for Java and systems wrapping MPlayer/VLC/etc. None of those are really options for a browser.

Much as I hate Adobe and the evils of Flash site design, Flash is far and away your best option.

See the Xuggler library -- it includes code for playing back video (well, sample code) in the com.xuggle.mediatool.IMediaVieer object.

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