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Why are my transactional ActiveMQ messages being dropped instead of moving to the DLQ?

I create my consumer (in C# using the NMS library) as so:

        ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(_mqServer);
        _con = factory.CreateConnection();
        _session = _con.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.Transactional);
        _queue = _session.GetQueue(_mqQueue);
        _consumer = _session.CreateConsumer(_queue, "someproperty =  someValue ");

When I receive a message and don t call Commit on the session, it goes back into the original queue. It then attempts redelivery 5 more times before being discarded. Why is the message being discarded instead of being sent to a DLQ?!


I know this was a long time ago so it probably won t help you, but one possible reason for this is that you re not sending persistent messages. If your messages aren t persistent, ActiveMQ will discard them instead of sending them to the DLQ.

If it really is being discarded, it might actually be a bug. I have not tried to reproduce but during debug of an aplpication, i actually had a similar issue (forgot to commit transaction) and the messages did go to the DLQ. after retrying a couple of times.. so if you are sure they just get discarded, it might be a bug.

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