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• 如何获得UIText 类似UIText Field的看法
原标题:how to get a UITextView to Clear like a UITextField does

试图获得《美国国际法案例汇编》,以便像《美国国际法案例汇编》那样明确。 实地似乎无法得到我在发出像电子邮件或与几条文字线的tw照之后需要澄清的信息。 任何法典都会非常感激。


添加一个 but子然后:

- (IBAction)clearField:(id)sender
    textView.text = @""; // textView is of type UITextView

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iphone - Get dynamically created UITextField by tag

I add a UITextField to a table cell dynamically in my app. I d like to implement a "backgroundClick" method to dismiss the keyboard if the user presses outside the textfield (and outside the keyboard) ...
