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原标题:What may cause losing object at the other end of a pointer in c++?

EDIT:我发现这一错误:我没有初步确定一个大小的阵列。 问题可以结束。

I have a class V, and another class N. An object of N will have an array of pointers to objects of class V (say V **vList). So, N has a function like V **getList(); Now in some function of other classes or simply a driver function, if I say V **theList = (N)n.getList(); Q1: theList would be pointing at the 1st element of the array? Given that the size of array is known, can I loop through with index i and say V *oneV = *vList[i]? Please correct me if what I m doing above is wrong.

我一直在使用夸张来追踪我整个方案运行过程,我发现的是,在使用<编码>V *oneV = vList[i]之后,阵列中的点人数值(vList)与当初制定时的数值相同,但如果我跟随点人,则该标的已经去。 我猜测,这或许是我为什么会错过或大错。 情况如何? WHY在点人的另一端没有放下物体? 我有什么错误?

是, 我正致力于一项学校任务,这就是为什么我不想印刷我的法典,我希望自己完成,但我需要帮助找到问题。 我认为,我仍然需要解释各种要点。 谢谢。


问题1是正确的。 在第二部分,<代码>V*oneV = vList[i]将是正确的辛加。 在您的同学中,你又一次回避了(将一类标的作为此类物体的指点)这一显然正在破坏你的代码。

EDIT: Since you are using the correct syntax, the reason of segfaults would depend on your memory management of the objects of type V. If you have inserted addresses of objects created on the stack (automatic vars, not by new or malloc) inside a function and are trying to access them outside of it, then the pointers would be dangling and your code will crash.


Class N has to manage the number of elements in a list somehow. The usual approaches are to make a public function which returns the number of elements in the array, or to provide an iterator function which loops over all the list s elements.

An array with N elements are stored at array[0] through array[N-1]. You re accessing one past the end of the array.


  • you are initializing correctly (new instead of automatic/local variables)
  • you are accessing the elements correctly (not like in the typo you posted in the question - based on your comment)
  • you are using the right size



theList would be pointing at the 1st element of the array? Given that the size of array is known, can I loop through with index i and say V *oneV = *vList[i]?


I m guessing that might be the reason why I am getting seg fault or bus error. Could it be the case?


WHY did I loose the object at the other end of a pointer? What did I do wrong?

如果不看到实际守则,就难以预测。 很可能的原因是,要么你没有填写<代码>。 V** 正确或在将V*点名放在<代码>后 五** 阵列,你正在从其他地点删除该物体。 BTW,我假定,你正在使用<条码>新分配记忆,这一假设是否正确?

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