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unexpected value for $(this+ :checked ).val()

I have a radiobutton set called daypattern . Clicking on it should enable the checked member s formfield siblings and disable the formfield siblings (if any) of other members. I am trying to compare the value of the checked field with the value of the current radio button but the checked field value is returning an integer rather than the expected string from the radio button s value attribute.

Where is it getting this number? How can I fix it and is there a better approach?


problem function:

        var c=$(this+ :checked ).val();//c=3 instead of  everyday  OR  everywday . WHY?
          alert(c +   and  + $(this).val());//3 and  everyday  OR  everywday 
          if($(this).val()== c){
            $(this).siblings( :input ).removeAttr("disabled");  
            $(this).siblings( :input ).attr( disabled ,true); 


  <input type= radio  name= daypattern  value= everyday  checked= checked />Every 
  <input type= text class= numtext  name= day_increment  value= 1 /> day(s)

  <input type= radio  name= daypattern  value= everywday />Every weekday

call problem function in $(document).ready:

$("input[name= daypattern ]").setActiveState();

Try switching to:

$(this).filter( :checked ).val();


var c=$( :checked , this).val();//

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