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Screenshot tool for BlackBerry?

I am working on a web development project that I want to make sure works well on the BlackBerry browser. As part of both testing and documentation, I want to be able to take screenshots of my application and was wondering where to start.

I see there are a couple of pay applications on BlackBerry App World when I search for screenshot, but I am looking for recommendations or other options. Specifically, I have a Bold 9700 (v5.0.0.296, platform

It appears this feature is built into the iPhone, according to the iPhone User Guide.

Take a screenshot of the iPhone display: Quickly press and release the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons at the same time.


You may want to write you re own app or service to make screenshots.

Display.screenshot(Bitmap bitmap)
Display.screenshot(Bitmap bitmap, int x, int y, int width, int height)

Note: you should sign app to use this api


If you have the developer tools installed, you can use "javaloader -u screenshot file.bmp" to capture a screenshot. Otherwise, the easiest way is to install a PC app called Master Control Program which has the capability to capture screenshots as well (as long as you have your device connected to your PC with a USB cable).

I get BlackBerry screenshots in two ways:

-On real devices I connect them to my PC over USB and run javaloader -u screenshot image.bmp from the command line (as Marc says, it s included with the developer tools).

-The BlackBerry Simulator makes it easy to take screenshots by pressing F3 (or choosing Edit -> Save LCD Snapshot from the menu, note you can choose to save directly as a .png, which is handy). You can change which phone model to simulate based on the SDK you have installed. For the 9700 I think you will need the V5.0 OS SDK (I haven t tried that yet), which you can get from here.

BBScreenShooter http://oppitronic.net/pb/ouiVC.php#BBScreenShooter

I ve also heard of something called BB Stream that will actually stream the blackberry screen to your PC. Can t find it anywhere though.

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