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Java JMenuItem Accelator Snow Leopard
about = new JMenuItem("About");
JMenu help = new JMenu("Help");

I was wondering why my aaccelerators were not working. I am running this in snow leopard with JavaSe-1.6 VM. They do work if I pull the menu down then try the key sequence. Thanks


Ooh, I think I understand the REAL problem:

Accelerators only work when they re visible - they allow you to move through the menu by making some character in a menu item "magic".

I think what you re looking for are mnemonics. Those will fire off your menu items from anywhere when the associated key is pressed.

Common mnemonics are Alt-F4 to kill programs (that s Cmd-Q for you), Ctrl-S to save, Ctrl-C to copy, etc.

Line 2 looks like an error to me.

Shouldn t it be something like

getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A, Toolkit...getMenuShortcutMask()) 


i.e. getKeyStroke has 2 arguments, separated by a comma.

Using Toolkit...getMenuShortcutMask to get the OS dependent key is a very clever idea, by the way. I d never thought to do that.

Sorry, line two isn t correct. I must have accidentally added that K :-) I was using a mnemonics before but it also had to have the menu pulled down to function. I just want a keyboard shortcut. I switched to using accelerators because that what the OSX java doc suggests.

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