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Handling ObservableCollection CollectionChanged Event

I ve seen code like the following in the Silverlight toolkit and can t understand how it is safe to do:

private void ItemsSourceCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
    // Update the cache
    if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove && e.OldItems != null)
        for (int index = 0; index < e.OldItems.Count; index++)

If you remove an item from say index 5 doesn t that change the current index of every item in the _items collection after index 5 to be one less than before? So then how is it safe to continually remove items using their "old" indexes like this code does?

I d really like to understand why this works.

Any ideas?


This code looks like it is removing a contiguous set of items from a particular starting index. If you read the remove call carefully:

_items.RemoveAt( e.OldStartingIndex );  

you will notice that it is iteratively removing items from a constant index. This means it is collapsing the list by removing items in a contiguous range. This may very well be correct - assuming that is the intent of the code.

The loop executes as many times as e.OldItems.Count indicates. So (presumably) it is told how many items to remove starting from a given index.

As a general practice, you have to be careful about how you remove items from collections for a couple reasons:

  1. Item indexes do indeed change as you remove items. So care must be taken to avoid errors resulting from item index positions shifting.
  2. Mutating a list while iterating over it (as in a foreach loop or with an explicit IEnumerator) results in exceptions. You cannot mutate a list (either add or delete) while iterating - it invalidates the iterator.

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