English 中文(简体)
原标题:Automatically ignore files in grep
  • 时间:2009-12-12 04:29:53
  •  标签:
  • grep
  • bash

在寻找某种东西时,我是否可使用灰色来忽略某些档案,这种东西相当于ore或ign。 在寻找源码时,我通常使用这样的东西。

grep -r something * | grep -v ignore_file1 | grep -v ignore_file2




grep  perl * --exclude=try* --exclude=tk*




find . -path ./ignore -prune -o -exec grep -r something {} ;



shopt -s extglob
for file in !(file1_ignore|file2_ignore) 
  grep ..... "$file"

I thinks grep does not have filename filtering. To accomplish what you are trying to do, you can combine find, xargs, and grep commands. My memory is not good, so the example might not work:

find -name "foo" | xargs grep "pattern"

Find is flexible, you can use wildcards, ignore case, or use regular expressions. You may want to read manual pages for full description.


这里使用的是微乎其微。 • 要求标准使用量:awk, sed(由于我的腹部如此大)

cat > ~/bin/grepignore  #or anywhere you like in your $PATH
egrep -v "`awk  1  ORS=| .grepignore | sed -e  s/|$//g  ; echo`"
chmod 755 ~/bin/grepignore
cat >> ./.grepignore  #above set to look in cwd
grep -r something * | grepignore

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 1. 拟订一个简单的更改条款:

egrep -v ignorefile_one|ignorefile_two

a. 并非有可观的效率,而是手工使用的良好条件

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