English 中文(简体)
iPhone Application records sounds and saves those sounds

My application will record and store some sounds to play them back later. Right now, I can record the sound which is saved in temporary folder.

Where is the best way to store sounds to play back later? Do I need database or just store as files?


Files in your Documents directory. Or perhaps a subdirectory within Docs. Using a subdirectory has the advantage that you may want to store other data files somewhere in Docs dir, but keeping all the sound recordings in their own location lets you iterate through the files or delete the entire directory and its contents. I ve seen plenty of messages suggesting it s less efficient and/or fast to store a bunch of binary objects in SQLite.



Playing a Sound With Monotouch

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我不禁要问,那里是否有任何实例表明从Peit向服务器发送音响。 I m不关心电话或SIP风格的解决办法,只是一个简单的袖珍流程......

Play sound in iPhone web app with Javascript?

I m currently creating an iPhone web application for piano chords, and I wanted to add an option that would let the user press a Play button and play the selected chord. However, I m not sure how to ...
